Sunday, April 03, 2005

knitting in my undies...

Well, so far I have put in between 7 and 8 hours of work on the Cami. I've just spent two hours sitting here on my bed, knitting in my undies (is there anything I don't do naked?). The decreases for the waist shaping are done, though I do have approximately 2.25" (~15 rounds) more of straight knit before I can get started on shaping the bust. That's where the increases come in, and as I'm far more comfortable with decreases than with increases... I may have to go back to the drawing board - in this case, the much hated but quite necessary practice swatch.

I do hope I did the decreases properly. The pattern calls for two types of decreases - left-leaning and right-leaning - for symmetry. Symmetry there is, but I wonder if in the wrong direction, which would be the case if I've switched the two types of decreases. Oh well, I followed the instructions, and the mere existence of symmetry is the important part. I choose to focus on the positive.

Speaking of positivity (and negativity)... I wish I'd decided to work on this project two weeks ago, as it would have gotten my mind off the disappointments of last week and helped me ward off the mopeyness. Even so, I'm glad I have the cami now to distract me from current disappointments and frustrations.

Just a little bit more, then I'll don my nightie and go to bed. Really... I'll just finish the waist part, and leave the tricky bust part for tomorrow.

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