Thursday, July 08, 2010

And the countdown continues...

According to our wedding website, there are 37 days remaining until The Big Day. Wow. Where did the time go? Back on February 13th, six months seemed like plenty of time to get everything done, in plenty of time. Now, with a month and a week remaining 'til the wedding day, I'm starting to realize - not so much.

That's not to say I wish we'd opted for a longer engagement, because I don't think I would have used any extra time wisely. I would have procrastinated more, as usual. And besides, I don't think G and I would have relished - or survived?? - extra weeks and months of wedding talk!

For now, one last "hurdle" before the home stretch - the bridal shower in RI with G's relatives, at which I'll get to reconnect with the relatives I've met and to meet the relatives I've yet to encounter. (I use the word hurdle, not in the bad sense of an obstacle to be conquered, but rather in the more positive sense of one last important milestone to be passed.) I'm simultaneously excited and nervous about the upcoming weekend. By the morning of the shower, I'm fairly certain I'll be rather terrified. Deep breaths, Jieun, deep breaths. And a big smile for everyone.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010


I have wedding shoes!
Wedding shoes!

... and a greeting card box too :o)
Greeting card box

Now I just have to pack my things for my upcoming weekend trip to RI...