Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I grumble a lot about the many small stresses - and some large ones - of wedding planning, but I'm actually quite loving the process. I'm a control freak (and rather proud of it), I like to be organized, and I like to plan things (I spent too much of my college years planning large-scale events and not enough of 'em actually studying), so this is quite a lot of fun for me. I just also have fun grumbling ;o)

One of the things I miss, though - talking to G about anything other than wedding planning. Like he said last weekend, he's relieved we're taking only 6 months to plan this thing, rather than a year (or longer!). We don't think we could take a full year of all wedding, all the time!

*edited to add:* Not that we talk about nothing but the wedding. We still talk about work, and life, and all that other nonsense. It's just that between G's work schedule and mine, we end up having to cram so many decisions and detail-planning into the limited time we spend together that it feels like wedding-talk is all the talk we do. And even when we turn to other topics, one or the other of us remembers another wedding-related thing that we have to discuss and/or resolve.

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