Thursday, June 10, 2010

Even in the shallow end...

We went to the Nats game Tuesday night, which was a little more exciting than your average baseball game, because that was the night the Nationals welcomed a new pitcher man (more like pitcher boy, at not-yet 22 years of age!), Stephen Strasburg.

Gregg & Jieun
G and me before the game

Now, I'm no baseball expert. I can't bear to sit through a four-hour televised game, though I do enjoy a good at-the-ballpark game experience. But even I went "wow." I read the following in an article about Strasburg's major league debut: “'I think, in baseball, it’s the obvious that sells,' Boras said on the field before the game. 'The Picassos, the Chagalls, everybody knows what they look like. When you see power in baseball — you see power hitters, power pitchers — fans of any depth know the difference.'”

My thoughts:
(1) Not so sure everyone knows who Chagall is.
(2) "fans of any depth" - I'd be in the shallow end, and even I could see that Strasburg's something special :o)
PLUS, I have to appreciate the efficiency with which he works, no dilly-dallying - when's the last time you've seen a baseball game last a mere 2 hours, 19 minutes?

There he is, the man of the hour!

The game was made even more exciting by the fact that we were sitting in same seriously good seats - in the "PNC Diamond Club" section, less than two dozen rows behind home plate, complete with fancy bar-lounge area - thanks to G (and work). Check out the view from our seats:
View from our awesome seats

All in all, it was a good night.

A series of photos after the game
Dad, me, G after the game

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