Friday, April 01, 2011

KNIT down along

As a compulsive yarn-purchaser and -stasher participating in a knit down along, or KDAL, I'm in withdrawal, close to getting the shakes *wink*

However, I am also ridiculously proud of myself, because thanks to this competition, I have experienced the most knitting-productive few months of my knitting life. I've managed to knit many, many thousands of yards in various types of projects - including a sweater (close to finishing a second and working on a third), several lace shawls (including two enormous ones), and various smaller projects. Though I have given away some yarn, as is allowed under the official rules, the vast majority, lion's share of my yardage-out comes from knitted objects. And I'm proud of myself for that accomplishment. Whether I win this competition or not - I'm proud of the way I've played the game.

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