Monday, March 07, 2011

A very good Monday

1. G was home at a normal time - 6pm, it's positively early!
2. We got to go to a wine tasting. AND it was free. AND we got to try a new, rather uncommon wine that's been on our radar for a few weeks, Txakoli from the Basque region of Spain. (Of course, we walked away with a bottle. Or two ;o)
3. I tried my hand at making French fries at home (using the America's Test Kitchen cold oil method), as part whatever of G's birthday gift (the man loves his fries), with great success, along with my favorite chickpea-sprouts-carrots-tomato-watercress vegan sandwich. I will be making another batch of fries tomorrow, before G's self-imposed no-fries-during-Lent period kicks in. Hey, we can't let all that peanut oil go to waste!

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