Saturday, March 15, 2008

Malabrigo March Madness... And other adventures in chance

I have never won a thing in my life. Well, nothing that required chance and not skill to win, anyway.
Even so, hope springs eternal, especially where yarn-y goodness giveaways are the prize, so... Thanks to Ravelry, I'm going with my optimistic nature.

Here's a good one, with Malabrigo at stake!! I just recently purchased my first bits of Malabrigo during a trip to NYC - 3 skeins of Malabrigo Lace at Knitty City for just $10 a skein! There's plenty for a beautiful shawl for my mom's Mother's Day gift (sshhh, don't tell). I hope (a) I finish it in time, and (b) she likes it.

So, Malabrigo March Madness is quite simple to enter. All you have to do is leave a comment with the link to your first blog entry. (Tell 'em Junebug sent you! :o)

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