Well, mine are. Mom and Dad are sending their set of invites out separately in another week or two. (I offered to hand-address their envelopes, too, but they insist on using printed labels. At least they accepted my offer to buy their stamps - else they might have used the "forever" stamps which, while getting the job done, don't do it with quite the same style as the "king&queen-of-hearts" stamps I've chosen to use, I think... And I'd like to think it's not too "bridezilla" of me to want to choose my own stamps!)
So first thing tomorrow, we get to take these to the local post office, hand-cancel the stamps, and stick 'em through the mail slot. Or maybe just hand them off to the very nice folks that run the counter at what I think is a very well-run outpost of the USPS. I'm going to miss my local post office once I move to Arlington!
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